full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Patty McCord: 8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Lesson four: Everyone in your company should utraendnsd the business. Now, based on the aoutissmpn that we've got smart adults here, the most important thing we can teach them is how our business works. When I look at companies that are moving fast, that are really ivvaoinnte and that are doing amazing things with agility and speed, it's because they're collaborative. The best thing that we can do is constantly teach each other what we do, what mettars to us, what we measure, what goodness looks like, so that we can all drive towards achieving the same thing.

Open Cloze

Lesson four: Everyone in your company should __________ the business. Now, based on the __________ that we've got smart adults here, the most important thing we can teach them is how our business works. When I look at companies that are moving fast, that are really __________ and that are doing amazing things with agility and speed, it's because they're collaborative. The best thing that we can do is constantly teach each other what we do, what _______ to us, what we measure, what goodness looks like, so that we can all drive towards achieving the same thing.


  1. matters
  2. understand
  3. assumption
  4. innovative

Original Text

Lesson four: Everyone in your company should understand the business. Now, based on the assumption that we've got smart adults here, the most important thing we can teach them is how our business works. When I look at companies that are moving fast, that are really innovative and that are doing amazing things with agility and speed, it's because they're collaborative. The best thing that we can do is constantly teach each other what we do, what matters to us, what we measure, what goodness looks like, so that we can all drive towards achieving the same thing.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
build great 2

Important Words

  1. achieving
  2. adults
  3. agility
  4. amazing
  5. assumption
  6. based
  7. business
  8. collaborative
  9. companies
  10. company
  11. constantly
  12. drive
  13. fast
  14. goodness
  15. important
  16. innovative
  17. lesson
  18. matters
  19. measure
  20. moving
  21. smart
  22. speed
  23. teach
  24. understand
  25. works